Monday, June 18, 2007


The Independent Library has been set up to archive, file, keep, promote, save, and document examples of artists doing it for themselves.
We know that it's great when you have a project/show/publication/zine/flyer/group, and you put it together, get it out there, it's shown for a month, a week, a day or even a night, but after this it often gets lost. (Let alone the competition between your fantastic projects and the other twelve on the same street, on the same night).

Well this why we are here! We want your flyers, your manifestos, your press releases, your show photos, anything that documents your work and that can be used to get it seen during and after its showing.

Once filled, this library will be able to be visited or copies of its contents sent to anyone who wishes to see them.

The library could be used by someone writing a paper or thesis or dissertation, someone needing help with their practice, or a whole manner of other needs.

So how do I contribute?

What we want you to do, is send us an email to expressing your interest. Then we will give you the details to send your documents to us - then send us something. We will send you a short form to fill out in return to aid our cataloguing and search facilities. Just send it back with all your information on it. Simple as that!

So how do I view the stuff?

Again just drop us an email to with a brief synopsis of what you are interested in seeing/reading about. We will compile a list of what we have on offer and send it back to you by email.

Alternatively you can just read down on this page and see what we have so far, and tell us what to send you (none as yet though as we have just started this project).

This library is available to the public on an appointments only basis, so get in touch to arrange a visit.

Any question please ask!

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